New European directive for truck and bus drivers

  • Date 10 May 2018
  • Reading time 0 minutes

After the publication of the new European directive 2018/645* which modifies Directive 2003/59/EC, it regulates the different ages for obtaining vehicle driving licenses, thus solving some of the inconsistencies that they existed in the old regulations on the age of transport vehicle drivers.

With this change, Spain will have to change its General Driver Regulations by May 22 as the deadline to adapt it to the new directive european. Thus, the new minimum age to be able to drive trucks will be 18 years old, 21 in the case of buses as long as the driver also has the corresponding Professional Aptitude Certificate (CAP).

With this modification that will benefit the transport associations which are given the reason in their demand for the disadvantage that companies in the transport sector suffered in our country compared to the European ones. In this way, our country remains on an equal footing.

*Query new policy