• Date 25 September 2023
  • Reading time 8 minutes

To talk about fleet management is to talk about the control, management and administration of the resources of a transport company.

Fleet maintenance is an essential task in logistics management to ensure the safety and efficiency of vehicles used in the transportation of goods. This is the application of a maintenance routine or schedules, as well as the vehicle care process. This programming helps keep both fleet vehicles and drivers safe, which translates into greater business profitability.

Around 13% of all traffic accidents involve company vehicles, many of these accidents are due to mechanical failure or maintenance issues.

Did you know that approximately 10% of truck accidents are caused by brake, tire or light problems?

According to a NAFA (National Association of Fleet Managers) report, preventive maintenance can reduce repair costs by 30%-40%. The study indicates that, for every euro spent on preventive maintenance, 4 euros are saved in repair costs.

Downtime is another factor to take into account when maintaining vehicles. Lack of maintenance can lead to prolonged downtime for vehicles. According to a report by research firm Frost & Sullivan, unplanned downtime can cost transportation and logistics companies €500 per day/truck. Fleet maintenance helps increase the useful life of trucks to 7.7 years compared to 5.6 years for vehicles that are not regularly maintained.

By implementing a fleet management plan, not only efficiency in mechanical services is achieved, but also an extension in the useful life of the vehicles. Improvement in fleet maintenance is achieved through the establishment of preventive and predictive maintenance strategies.

Optimizing fleet management emerges as the solution to mitigate these risks. Through these measures, it is possible to exercise proactive control over the expense projections related to the repairs of each truck. This process requires access to each vehicle's history, kilometers traveled, repair history, and other relevant data. If the fleet is in good condition thanks to preventive maintenance, we achieve greater productivity by reducing repair costs and increasing profitability.

Vehicles that are maintained in optimal condition are those that can meet their commitments effectively.

But what is preventive maintenance and what aspects must be taken into account for its correct development?

Preventive maintenance is the periodic control and management of all the resources involved in the maintenance of the fleet. This maintenance is based on the use of data that allows maintenance work to be managed in advance and planned. Preventive maintenance should be based on a program that includes the necessary inspections and repairs for each vehicle as well as monitoring to detect any problems in daily use. It is important to have inspections done on a regular and scheduled basis, even if the vehicle shows no obvious signs of wear or problems.

Achieving optimal maintenance of fleet vehicles is, as we see, closely linked to efficient fleet management. Managing a fleet involves knowledge and control of multiple aspects of vehicles, drivers, routes, suppliers, etc. It's not just about maintaining fleet productivity and making better decisions.

In this context, a TMS like Meribia comes into action. The use of software that controls all processes and activities related to the fleet is essential to achieve greater performance and profitability. The improvement in the maintenance and proper use of vehicles comes from the automation of processes. The more information we have, the greater profitability we obtain, that is, if we have greater control of workshop operations, we can make more competitive decisions, based on data that help us develop efficient maintenance.

Preventive maintenance avoids the dreaded corrective maintenance that involves greater expense due to inefficient management of resources.

In addition to more exhaustive technical control to achieve profitability, software like Meribia generates important benefits such as:

  1. Productivity increase
  2. Reduction of costs and operational errors
  3. Optimization of processes
  4. Increased safety of vehicles and drivers

Meribia has modules for the control and management of vehicle maintenance. The Workshop Module allows the management of items, warehouses, suppliers, operators, as well as everything related to purchasing management and warehouse management in the case of its own workshop. Likewise, you can work on managing expenses and external repairs if you do not have your own workshop. Meribia provides access to detailed reports with all the information necessary for efficient resource management, as well as notifications of maintenance plans among many other functions.

A TMS like Meribia responds comprehensively to all the needs in the management of any land cargo transportation company.